Monday, May 9, 2011

The Mothers of my Mother

I am the daughter of Deborah, who is the daughter of Jeanette, who is the daughter of Frances, who is the daughter of Helen, who is the daughter of Josephine, who is the daughter of Elisabeth, who is the daughter of a woman I do not know but whom I honor. I am the 7th generation of women descended from Elisabeth Francois, who was born 200 years ago (1811) in France, and is buried just 10 miles from my childhood home in St. Bridget’s cemetery. I thank them for their fearlessness in migrating to new countries, raising families, entering the work force, fighting for women's suffrage and burning bras. I thank them for the customs, superstitions, beliefs - known and unknown - that were passed down from mother to daughter through the generations and have made me who I am today.

Thank you, Dorothy for your research into our genealogy and post which I stole most of :) . And Happy Mother's Day to all the amazing women who have influenced and shaped my life!!! Love you!

My mom Debbie and Aunt Denise (lol!)

My mom's mom, my Grandma Jeanette and great-aunt Ginny.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! you didn't steal a thing. It belongs to all of us. Love you!
